Parole Representation
Inmates who have served a certain percentage of their sentence may be released on parole before their sentence is over. Parole is a privilege and not a right. It is important to know that although an inmate is eligible for parole, he or she may not receive it. Board of Pardons and Paroles reviews over 80,000 cases a year to determine who shall be released.
I personally visit with each and every client at their prison unit to conduct a lengthy and comprehensive interview regarding their case. I believe that there is simply no substitute for meeting my client and speaking with them face to face. A typical interview can last between 5-8 hours. It is essential for me to meet my client and discuss not only their case but their entire life. It is imperative that I discuss with my client not only what led them to a prison cell, but what happened in their life to lead them down that path. Bad things sometimes happen to good people. To prepare a strong presentation to the Board, I must know the entire person and I believe that can only be done by an in-person interview.
A number of factors are involved in determining who shall be released. They include:
Current Offense
Criminal History
Disciplinary Conduct
Substance Abuse Issues
Family Support
Education/Job Training
Post-Release Plans
I can assist with you and your family with creating what is commonly referred to as a "Parole Packet". This packet is actually not really a "packet" at all. It is a large volume of documents that are carefully presented to the Board. A typical presentation of written materials that I submit to the Board is approximately 80-100 pages in length. These documents may include:
Support letters showing family ties and community support
Photos of inmate and family
Documentation of enrollment in programming, certificates, GED, college courses, etc.
Employment opportunities upon release
Personalized and detailed Executive Summary with a passionate request for release on parole
Included with these documents is an Executive Summary with a detailed and passionate request for release on parole.
After these documents are submitted to the Board, a request for an in-person meeting with the lead voter of the parole panel is requested. In my request for an in-person meeting, I normally ask for a family member or close friend to accompany me to the meeting at the Parole Board.
I am available to handle Parole matters throughout the State of Texas.
Call my office to discuss how I may be able to assist you in Parole matters.